API Documentation
Before we dive too deep into the documentation, it is important that you understand how our API works, how to request different URI's, and how our responses will be formatted so you can deserialize them. In this section you will learn the basics of the Blue Screen Studios API and make your first API request.
So where this API at?
The Blue Screen Studios API is hosted on a special subpage on the domain bluescreenstudios.net named _functions. Simply attempting to access this page in your browser will redirect you to a 404 page from our web hosting service provider as the page can not be rendered.
Your first API request!
It's time to make your first API request to demonstrate how our API works as well as how we document our API. Your first request will use the endpoint myfirstrequest therefore making the request URI https://bluescreenstudios.net/_functions/myfirstrequest. Once you make this request the response you receive should like the response in the image bellow.
Throughout our documentation you will find tables representing the data you receive when making a request. An example of a table representing the response above can be found bellow.
Sometimes we will respond with custom objects which have their own subset of data. In the event that a response contains an object, the Data Type field in the response table will specify that an object was returned in the response and will reference another response table containing the fields of the object.
Go make cool stuff!
That's it for this page. Go explore other pages in our documentation make something awesome!